Friday, December 13, 2013

So I watched the trailer for Edge of Tomorrow the other day. And I was very underwhelmed. It just didn't look that good to me. And I was engulfed by this strong feeling of deja vu. Then I realized what it was. I had the same feeling I had when I saw previews for Oblivion. Is it just me or are trailers mini movies now? They give away so much you neither need nor want to see the movie anymore. That's how I felt about Oblivion. Plus I am not a big Tom Cruise fan. He kind of weirds me out. Not sure if it's the Scientology thing. Or the weird interviews. Or possibly the elongated chest. Seriously, look at it. He's been taking his shirt off in all his latest movies to show he's still in good shape but truth be told his tits hang lower than my grandma's! Sorry grandma, I love you. So why did I watch it then you ask? Well I flew out to California yesterday to visit family, including my grandma. Hopefully she doesn't read this before I see her or at all for that matter. So going from Florida to California I had some time to kill. And I figured a heavy visual film would be best seeing as since I have crap headphones and planes are loud. And there was nothing else to do at thirty thousand feet. So I decided to give it a chance since Prisoners proved me wrong. But the film was predictable thanks to the trailer. Some plot twists were sprinkled in towards the end. The visuals were cool and well done. Most of it seemed natural and not blatant CGI. They just weren't original enough in this one. Props to Jessica Chastain for taking Zero Dark Thirty and not this. But it isn't a bad movie just a been there done that kind of deal. It's probably just because I'm a whiny jet lagged bitch today that I am being harsh. But who cares what I think. They're the ones making millions and I'm the grandma insulting loser flying coach next to the talkative Southern lady and the smelly guy showering me with Pringles crumbs. True story. But I say if you want Cruise and you want SciFi go Minority Report. Don't See. What do you think about this one? Trailer IMDB


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