Thursday, February 13, 2014

  Gravity does have enough pull.

  Okay that's it I promise. No more puns or space references. I think I've used enough lately.

  This film visually is pretty breathtaking. I am kicking myself for not seeing it in theaters. Is it the second coming that everyone acts like it is? To me, no. But then again I'm jaded and bitter.

  I did however enjoy all lot of aspects about it. The story was good. A bunch of nerds were pissed about the details but as a whole it was plausible. The CGI was awesome but I feel like that goes without saying nowadays. Also if you dig symbolism this is your jam. Some was blatant some suggested but overall heavy throughout. I thought one scene was far too telegraphed symbolically speaking but the others especially the ending I really enjoyed.

  So everyone else would say Must See. But since I am a cranky butthole who watched it on a tablet I am going with Should See. What are your thoughts? Did you think it was out of this world? Fuck! Ok I guess I lied about no more space references. I'm only human goddammit! Trailer IMDB



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