Friday, December 6, 2013

Sweet baby Jesus I can't believe I watched this creepy ass movie when I was a kid! Now before you freak out on me, I love this movie. And this review is of the director's cut not the original. This was one of my favorite movies growing up. But it's been a good decade or two since I've seen it. Then the other day I saw a post online that a fan, even bigger than I, had tracked down all the original footage and audio. He then spent two years restoring it to what Jim Henson and Frank Oz had originally intended it to be and posted it on YouTube! That's amazeballs if you ask me. Fearing a case of extreme nostalgia I found it online and hit play. I usually tend to stay away from things I loved as a kid for fear they will no longer capture me as an old fart the way they did as a little booger eater. But c'mon it's The Dark Crystal for gelflin's sake! So I watched it. And wouldn't you know it, it's still pretty damn good. There were a few times where I said to myself that is clearly just a guy in a suit how stupid of a kid was I? But there were also times where I was dumbfounded by how amazing Jim Henson's Creature Shop was and is. This is such a great fantasy film that if I ever have kids they're for sure watching it. If they still even have old dvds by then. We might all be watching a twenty four hour feed of the kardashians on Google contacts by the time I find a chick dumb enough to let me knock her up. But regardless that won't stop me from naming my next pet Fizzgig. A worthy consolation. So if you were dipping your toe into the water with trepidation. Trust me your safe to dive back into this one as an adult. But unless you're a superfan and especially if you haven't seen it (in which case we can't be friends) I recommend you go with the original release. Although awesome, this version is too choppy and the audio is terrible. Giving the film overall a Must See but this version a Don't See. But I will leave the link to this labor of love for my fellow crystallites. No not the drink. Trailer IMDB YouTube


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