Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I haven't been feeling too chipper lately so I've been trying to think of ways to turn this frown upside down. Finally it hit me! Why not watch a movie about drug and alcohol abuse, child abduction, torture and murder? God why didn't I think of this sooner? Drawn out joke aside I watched Prisoners tonight. A movie I had absolutely no interest in seeing given its subject matter. It is listed as a drama a lot, and I hate dramas. I just figured it was one of those films that made you hate the fact that you are a living human being by showing you all the terrible things that are capable of happening and we are capable of. But it was actually more of a thriller, thank God! It has a great cast. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are the frontrunners. Playing two men taking two drastically different approaches to trying to find Jackman's abducted daughter. It does make you question what you would do if you were in that situation where you're world has come crashing down and time is of the essence to save it. And not only is it a good film throughout, the ending is also spectacular. Which is just as important if not more. Because it is the taste left in the audience's mouth. So I will gladly admit I am that kid. You know the one who didn't want to eat something because of preconceived notions then tries it and really enjoys it. Mmmmm, crow my favorite. Great now I'm hungry. So if you watch a lot of 48 hours or just want to see a really good movie with some twists and a tolerable level of drama look no further my cinema savoring soulmate. Say that ten times fast! Should See. Trailer IMDB


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