I am going to do my best to not RACE through this one, because you can't RUSH perfection.
Mother of god! Did that just come from me? If you see me walking down the street please kick me square in the dick. In my defense I have been up for 36 hours so I can't imagine I could do any better.
What was I writing... oh yeah Rush. Great band, I remember whe Geddy Lee... shit! Sorry no sleep remember? Rush, the movie about racing.
I loved the whole dichotomy aspect of the film. It was presented as two drivers and their polarized racing styles. But it also spoke to how a person can approach life as a whole, meticulously or balls out. Haha. Balls. But seriously the yin yang thing going on here works. And what's cooler was it actually happened. It was based on two real drivers and their feud.
I never thought I would say this but here goes, go see this racing movie. Should See. Now if you'll excuse me I hear my car bed calling my name. "Yeah but it's a fucking sweet car!" Goodnight. Trailer IMDB
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