Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sex! Sex! Sex! OK now that I subtly got your attention. Let's talk about the movie I just watched, Don Jon. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's first outing as a full length Writer/Director. The film sees the title character as a stereotypical Jersey guy who has his priorities set. That is until two females come into his life and change everything. The old joke comes to mind. Life is like a penis, women make it hard. Sorry ladies I couldn't resist. But that surprisingly enough is the perfect segue into my analysis. This film, when you get past the goofy accents, really does take an honest and realistic look at mating... I mean dating. And how both men and women have been brainwashed by society to pursue Stepford Wives and Prince Charmings. It illuminates the notion that we use people as things and value our things over people. Making it a really deep movie packaged as a light nontraditional love story. Which I think was an awesome creative choice compared to the other option. Which my guess is that it probably would've been an over the top, drama filled, tearjerker if done by someone else. So I applaud JoGo's (I'm lazy so that is my name for him from now on) choice and honest approach. Now that I got the desrving praise out of the way let me offer some advice. Do not watch this with your parents! Unless you have a really strong relationship with them, in which case I envy you. Actually don't watch this with anybody you don't have a strong enough relationship to watch numerous sex and masturbation scenes with. "Hey Aunt Gladice you wanna go see a movie?" I feel for the people who might've said this or something similar. But hey maybe it opened some dialogue afterwards. Which I am sure was JoGo's intention. Which should be every good filmmaker's intention to get people talking. To make the audience think and question themselves and the world they live in. All while they indulge in a little escapism, which the characters in this film do plenty of. And there are two approaches to doing that, subconsciously and consciously. And JoGo was honest and took a right a consciously blvd. and that is why I am glad I traveled down this road with him. I think I might need a metaphor intervention soon. This is getting out of hand. So you can watch this or any other content for whatever reason: sex, drugs, alcohol, cars, women, guys, money, religion, relationships, fear,"love". All I ask is that you know why; or at least, examine why you are watching for that reason. And I think JoGo feels the same way. But how do you feel? Let me know. I'd love to hear what you think. Should See. Trailer IMDB


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