Sunday, December 22, 2013

Move over Nightmare Before Christmas. There is, dare I say it, a new king of stop motion and it's name is Mary and Max. Sorry Jack and Sally but I think you've just been dethroned. That's a pretty bold statement huh? I feel like I'm going to receive death threats for spewing such blasphemy. Now don't get me wrong I'm just as big of a fan of that movie as every jet black maned female Hot Topic customer is. And it will forever hold a place in my heart. But it has been so commercialized that I was ecstatic when I found this lesser known gem. This film has a similar tone to it though. It is dark with a dose of delight. But on the other hand the plot couldn't be less alike. Mary and Max is about two outsiders who become friends. Not odd enough you say? How about a sepia toned Australian eight year old girl who thinks babies come from beer glasses befriending a forty four year old gray-scale man who is morbidly obese and living with Asperger Syndrome? Yeah this one will definitely meet your weird quota. And it almost got weirder because at the beginning it states that it's based on a true story! Which was pecking at my brain the whole time I watched it. But I looked into it and it turns out the true part was that writer/director Adam Elliot who is Australian has had a 20 plus year correspondence with a pen pal in New York. But that information is really neither here nor there because it doesn't detract from the awesomeness in slightest. The animation is enthralling and the voice work equally compelling. The entire cast shines especially Max in my opinion. I bet at the end you'll say to yourself "That was Philip Seymour Hoffman, no way!" Well now thanks to me you'll probably say that at the beginning. Mary and Max also has a perfect example of a three act structure. Great intro to the characters that make them feel like blood relatives. Gasp worthy rising action that leaves you desperate for resolution. And a very fulfilling just ate at a buffet ending that satisfies all appetites. I'm getting a little wordy again. There's a shocker! Alright I'll shut up now so you can go back to wrapping presents. But in this season of timeless claymated holiday movies don't forget to add the oxymoronic new classic Mary and Max to your playlist. Must See. Watch it and tell me what you think. Trailer IMDB


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