Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Be honest, have you ever once done a puzzle and not jammed the pieces together and told yourself they fit? If you answered no congratulations, you're a liar.

  As I oh so wittily metaphorically foreshadowed, that is how I feel about this movie. One with an ultimate result that is distinguishable but not vivid. In unpretentious normal speak, I thought it could've been better.

  A.C.O.D. stands for adult children of divorce. And seeing as I fall under that category I was very excited to see this film. Nothing like a good ol' trip down memory lane. More like two hour exposure therapy. But don't worry I'm just kidding. The heavy subject matter is approached rather lightly, making for a enjoyable comedic romp through what is for a lot of people extremely emotionally charged terrain.

  The unrealized potential is killer here though. And not killer in the good way brah. The plot and cast are so fertile that I'm saddened more didn't blossom from it. This is the first time I've seen something Richard Jenkins was attached to that wasn't amazing. Even old faithful Amy Poehler was hit and miss here. And Jessica Alba starred in a role that I can only describe as token attractive girl. Side note, is Clark Duke currently undergoing a sex change?

  But as with most of my reviews I like to end with some glimmer of hope. And even though you lied about the puzzle, I forgive you by the way, I'm not lying when I say I liked this movie. It has some funny parts, interesting subject matter and good character development. But then again so did It's Complicated. Hope you have some aloe vera for that burn. Still it is a Should See in my book. What about yours? Trailer IMDB


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