Monday, December 9, 2013

So after a brief Christmas shopping hiatus I'm back. Sorry to the one guy in Malaysia that might've missed me. Seriously, most of my traffic comes from Malaysia, it's weird. Love you guys nonetheless. Shout out to Malaysia! Drumroll please, so for my triumphant return I chose, wait for it, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters! Que the crickets. Alright so it's a little anticlimactic. But I saw the first one and semi enjoyed it so I figured why not get my semi enjoyment on once more? Plus I really love Greek mythology for some reason. And this one has just enough to scratch that itch. Logan Lerman is back to save the day as our movie titled hero Percy Jackson son of Greek god Poseidon. And he always sounds out of breath to me. So I guess he was born for the action adventure genre. But as exciting a genre as this is no one's performance really reaches a similar level. Unless you count Nathan Fillion's role/cameo as Hermes. But that's a given because he is always great. The effects are pretty awesome but in our desensitized day and age they definitely won't blow you away by any means. There's a pun in there somewhere I know it. And you would think that with a title like Sea of Monsters there would be a lot of, oh I don't know, Sea Monsters! Maybe there was in the book. Books, remember those things? In semation this film teetered towards Don't See for me. So I would suggest that most viewers look elsewhere for a worthwhile investment of time and money. But if you are a tween with a DVD player who is bored. Or a sad "adult" with a tablet who loves fantasy movies and ranting on the internet about them. Then Zeus has smiled upon thee and blessed you with Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. should See. Trailer IMDB


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