Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Paranoia will destroy ya. That's what I always say. And it definitely does Simon Pegg's character in A Fantastic Fear of Everything. The film came out last year but because it was primarily a UK release I didn't hear anything about it until now. And upon further investigation I came to find it was quite polarizing in the "should I see this" department. But I love Simon Pegg and I more often than not dig what the old country has to offer so I said "sure why not". Here's why not. Pegg as you may well know is a fan of doing movies that mix humor and horror. I'm looking at you Shaun of the Dead and you too Hot Fuzz and most recently The World's End. But those three had a good mix. This recipe although tasty is just a little off. You can't tell if they're baking a scary movie with jokes pie or a jokey movie with scares pie. Incredibly well written imagery I know. And if you hate the Ben Stiller-esque worst possible thing happening awkwardness like my Mom does. "I can't stand that man, he ruins everything!" "You know it's a movie right Mom?" Sometimes I worry she doesn't. Then odds are you won't be doing any joy inspired cartwheels while watching this. But on the other side of the coin. If you have a dark sense of humor. Check. Like Simon Pegg. Check. Have a deep understanding of the issues that come with paranoia, anxiety disorders and irrational fears. Big check. Then like myself you will probably end up enjoying this. Another reason I think you should see this film is because it is another first time writer/director feature, this time in Crispian Mills. Whom if I ever met would refer to as Chip given the fact that he is British. I'll give you a second. But seriously how do these first timers do it? Do they just get up one morning and say I am going to write and direct a movie with a big star and then just do it? How many doors do they have to bang down?  I would love to know what that level of motivation feels like. So although it's flawed, my hat's off to ya Chip. And lastly under the palpable tension and sporadic giggling there lie real issues covertly being addressed. Issues ranging from not wanting to do your laundry all the way up to abandonment. And most importantly our biggest issue, fear. Which can manifest in countless forms but ultimately all stem from one source, our fear of death. Getting a little too deep, time to resurface. Might have to start charging you for all these pearls of wisdom I'm crapping out. In summation would I recommend this to everyone, no sir. But if you're a weirdo who likes relatively pleasant things with the occasional dark twist like me then by all means yes. So for that reason it just squeaked by like a city bus with old mattresses for wheels. Wow, really? That's what you're gonna close with? Should See. What did you think? Trailer IMDB


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