Sunday, December 15, 2013

So whilst perusing the internet (I love using words that make me sound like I know shit when in actuality the case is quite the opposite) I came across a page for a movie called Good Vibrations. It came out last year but I don't remember hearing anything about it. Which is usually not a good sign. But I came to find that it was about punk rock and had Dylan Moran in it. So how could I not watch it? Well a heads up to my fellow Dylan Moran fans he is practically not even in this movie. No joke. I think he has about thirty seconds of screentime, tops. Which leads me to believe they were just using his name for publicity which I can't blame 'em is a smart move. The film is based on real people and events. It tells the story of Terri Hooley. A man who did his best to give the youth of Belfast an outlet through aggressive music rather than aggressive behavior. Which was very much the norm for Ireland throughout the height of "The Troubles". And sadly still is at times, with even the real Terri Hooley now in his sixties still being harassed and assaulted as recent as last year. So clearly this conflict is not completely over. If that last part was confusing that brings me to my next point. This movie is good. But is much better if you know some of the history of Ireland and it's infighting of the late twentieth century. And knowing the birth of the punk scene wouldn't hurt either. Although I am not well versed on either I knew enough that it really helped with all the related references. So if you really want to watch this but slept all through social studies as a kid, or are a kid. Then you might want to crack open a history book first. Or at least hit up Wikipedia the drunk uncle of information. All history and facts aside what lies at the core of this movie is a great story. One about struggle, heartbreak, pain and violence But even more so one about perseverance. And most of all the power of music. Its power as a unifying force. Music is the soundtrack to life that wills you on when you feel you can't continue. The candle in the dark to illuminate what's true. The beacon of hope for those in need. Damn I'm getting sappy in my old age. Should See. Have you seen this one? Trailer IMDB


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