Saturday, December 7, 2013

So I spent the last couple of days trying to decide which film about Nelson Mandela I would watch in his memory. The obvious choice would be the one currently in theaters Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom starring Idris Elba. But after careful consideration I decided on the 1996 documentary Mandela: Son of Africa Father of a Nation. I figured why not get the story straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. I knew little of the man behind the legend so I felt a documentary would be the best choice for me. Also that meant I could lie in bed in my comfy jammies which is always a plus. Real men wear jammies by the way. So I plopped down in said attire ready to watch. Then I saw that the runtime was two hours and was a little perturbed. But I thought to myself shit if this guy can make it through 27 years of imprisonment and hard labor I think I can make it through a two hour movie lying in bed. And I am delighted to say I served my sentence. I learned so much from this film! From his second wife Winnie's major political role while he was locked up to him being circumcised by spear as a teenager. Yeah you read that right, by spear! (Shutters painfully). I also learned that he had militant roots. Which disturbed me at first. But then made him more relatable and endearing to me in the end. In his own words "I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying". There are some graphic violent images that had me gasping so be warned. But if you want a great documentary on an even greater man this is it. And it is very fitting given what has transpired. The last lines of the movie are his thoughts on death and what it means to live a full life. On a personal note I just want to say thank you Madiba for your contribution to this world. For being a master of poise, symbol of hope and a champion of and for freedom. May you rest as you lived, in peace. Love, Roy. Must See. Trailer IMDB


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