I got to see Anchorman 2 today! I went for three reasons. A. because I really wanted to see it. B. I have movie gift cards. And C. so I could finally say "here you got my money now fucking please stop promoting this goddam movie!" I know that sounds a little harsh. But to be honest I don't think even chicks in labor have pushed something this hard. For a second I was starting to think it took so long for them to make the sequel because Will Ferrell spent the last nine years building a teleportation device. It seemed like the last couple months everywhere you turned that mustached asshole with salon quality hair was there selling his ass off. But sadly after almost a decade, I think too much time had passed, and too much anticipation had built for this movie to even stand a chance of meeting expectations. But that didn't stop them from giving it the old college try. And by college try I mean they called in every favor they could, which made for the most cameos a film has seen since the infamous Movie 43. I'm sure by now you are saying to yourself, "Damn this guy must have a frige full of haterade." Well you're wrong, thanks to Whole Foods at the moment it's currently full of tofu. But spongy soy milk byproduct aside I want to set the record straight and let you know I love this franchise as much as Brick loves lamp. Anchorman(2) and I are in love and I don't care who knows it! So no it isn't the second coming that everyone had hoped it would be. But as with every Will Ferrell movie, it may not be great but at some point you're gonna laugh until eyes tear up and a little pee comes out. So strap on the depends, assemble the news team and head to the theater. Should See. Did you see it yet? What line made you laugh the hardest? Trailer IMDB
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
11:03 PM
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Is anyone else's wallet ten pounds lighter and body ten pounds heavier? Thanks Christmas! While lying in my post holiday food coma this morning I decided to do something out of the norm for me, watch a movie. And if you haven't figured out which one by now I worry for you, but I will unnecessarily inform you it was Ruby Sparks. I figured I better hurry up and watch it before it becomes two years old rather than just the one. And I'm glad my fear of being out of date won me over because it's a pretty damn good movie. It is about a "genius" novelist who creates his "dream girl" on page. But magically she finds her way off the page and into his real life. And gosh darnit would'nt you know it trouble ensues. The writer is played by Paul Dano. And I was extremely shocked that there were no creepy scenes with him in it. That was until I hit the middle of the film. Then Dano went back to his old ways and gave me the willies. Not sure if I buy him as a lead yet but I definitely buy him as a weirdo. The title character Ruby, was played by Zoe Kazan. I had never heard of her before this but I definitely won't forget her now that I have. Because not only did Ms. Kazan give a stellar performance in the movie she also wrote the damn thing! Which leaves me confused now on whether to love or loathe her for being so multi-talented. It seems as if she borrowed a little because you will notice some similarities to movies like Eternal Sunshine, 500 days of summer, Bedazzled. God I love bedazzled (if that doesn't scream cinephile I don't know what does). But despite that Kazan's creation still hops off the page and into real life with plenty of originality. Now that I think about it more it's starting to hurt my little head. She wrote and created a writer who wrote and created a girl and then she played the creation of the writer of which she wrote and created. Inception much? Moving on before my brain becomes even more oatmeal like than it already is. Ruby Sparks touches on some moral issues along with some important relationship issues like Don Jon did. So I applaud her for that. The only thing I guess that could be considered a downfall is the ending. I hear a lot of people really disliked it. While I didn't find it terrible I thought they could have gone with a better option. But if it's any consolation to you ending haters, according to Ms. Kazan that wasn't her original ending. Hell a few tweaks here and there and this would have been a bona fide Must See. But if there is one take away from this film its's that you can never expect perfection. Just enjoy a creation for what it is. Should See. Did you catch this one? What did you think? P.S. Did you guys get everything on your wishlists? My family got me a bunch of movie gift cards. It's almost like they know me or something. Long story short, get ready for some "reviews" of current releases! Trailer IMDB
Sunday, December 22, 2013
10:50 PM
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Move over Nightmare Before Christmas. There is, dare I say it, a new king of stop motion and it's name is Mary and Max. Sorry Jack and Sally but I think you've just been dethroned. That's a pretty bold statement huh? I feel like I'm going to receive death threats for spewing such blasphemy. Now don't get me wrong I'm just as big of a fan of that movie as every jet black maned female Hot Topic customer is. And it will forever hold a place in my heart. But it has been so commercialized that I was ecstatic when I found this lesser known gem. This film has a similar tone to it though. It is dark with a dose of delight. But on the other hand the plot couldn't be less alike. Mary and Max is about two outsiders who become friends. Not odd enough you say? How about a sepia toned Australian eight year old girl who thinks babies come from beer glasses befriending a forty four year old gray-scale man who is morbidly obese and living with Asperger Syndrome? Yeah this one will definitely meet your weird quota. And it almost got weirder because at the beginning it states that it's based on a true story! Which was pecking at my brain the whole time I watched it. But I looked into it and it turns out the true part was that writer/director Adam Elliot who is Australian has had a 20 plus year correspondence with a pen pal in New York. But that information is really neither here nor there because it doesn't detract from the awesomeness in slightest. The animation is enthralling and the voice work equally compelling. The entire cast shines especially Max in my opinion. I bet at the end you'll say to yourself "That was Philip Seymour Hoffman, no way!" Well now thanks to me you'll probably say that at the beginning. Mary and Max also has a perfect example of a three act structure. Great intro to the characters that make them feel like blood relatives. Gasp worthy rising action that leaves you desperate for resolution. And a very fulfilling just ate at a buffet ending that satisfies all appetites. I'm getting a little wordy again. There's a shocker! Alright I'll shut up now so you can go back to wrapping presents. But in this season of timeless claymated holiday movies don't forget to add the oxymoronic new classic Mary and Max to your playlist. Must See. Watch it and tell me what you think. Trailer IMDB
Thursday, December 19, 2013
11:24 PM
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Sex! Sex! Sex! OK now that I subtly got your attention. Let's talk about the movie I just watched, Don Jon. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's first outing as a full length Writer/Director. The film sees the title character as a stereotypical Jersey guy who has his priorities set. That is until two females come into his life and change everything. The old joke comes to mind. Life is like a penis, women make it hard. Sorry ladies I couldn't resist. But that surprisingly enough is the perfect segue into my analysis. This film, when you get past the goofy accents, really does take an honest and realistic look at mating... I mean dating. And how both men and women have been brainwashed by society to pursue Stepford Wives and Prince Charmings. It illuminates the notion that we use people as things and value our things over people. Making it a really deep movie packaged as a light nontraditional love story. Which I think was an awesome creative choice compared to the other option. Which my guess is that it probably would've been an over the top, drama filled, tearjerker if done by someone else. So I applaud JoGo's (I'm lazy so that is my name for him from now on) choice and honest approach. Now that I got the desrving praise out of the way let me offer some advice. Do not watch this with your parents! Unless you have a really strong relationship with them, in which case I envy you. Actually don't watch this with anybody you don't have a strong enough relationship to watch numerous sex and masturbation scenes with. "Hey Aunt Gladice you wanna go see a movie?" I feel for the people who might've said this or something similar. But hey maybe it opened some dialogue afterwards. Which I am sure was JoGo's intention. Which should be every good filmmaker's intention to get people talking. To make the audience think and question themselves and the world they live in. All while they indulge in a little escapism, which the characters in this film do plenty of. And there are two approaches to doing that, subconsciously and consciously. And JoGo was honest and took a right a consciously blvd. and that is why I am glad I traveled down this road with him. I think I might need a metaphor intervention soon. This is getting out of hand. So you can watch this or any other content for whatever reason: sex, drugs, alcohol, cars, women, guys, money, religion, relationships, fear,"love". All I ask is that you know why; or at least, examine why you are watching for that reason. And I think JoGo feels the same way. But how do you feel? Let me know. I'd love to hear what you think. Should See. Trailer IMDB
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
10:30 PM
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Paranoia will destroy ya. That's what I always say. And it definitely does Simon Pegg's character in A Fantastic Fear of Everything. The film came out last year but because it was primarily a UK release I didn't hear anything about it until now. And upon further investigation I came to find it was quite polarizing in the "should I see this" department. But I love Simon Pegg and I more often than not dig what the old country has to offer so I said "sure why not". Here's why not. Pegg as you may well know is a fan of doing movies that mix humor and horror. I'm looking at you Shaun of the Dead and you too Hot Fuzz and most recently The World's End. But those three had a good mix. This recipe although tasty is just a little off. You can't tell if they're baking a scary movie with jokes pie or a jokey movie with scares pie. Incredibly well written imagery I know. And if you hate the Ben Stiller-esque worst possible thing happening awkwardness like my Mom does. "I can't stand that man, he ruins everything!" "You know it's a movie right Mom?" Sometimes I worry she doesn't. Then odds are you won't be doing any joy inspired cartwheels while watching this. But on the other side of the coin. If you have a dark sense of humor. Check. Like Simon Pegg. Check. Have a deep understanding of the issues that come with paranoia, anxiety disorders and irrational fears. Big check. Then like myself you will probably end up enjoying this. Another reason I think you should see this film is because it is another first time writer/director feature, this time in Crispian Mills. Whom if I ever met would refer to as Chip given the fact that he is British. I'll give you a second. But seriously how do these first timers do it? Do they just get up one morning and say I am going to write and direct a movie with a big star and then just do it? How many doors do they have to bang down? I would love to know what that level of motivation feels like. So although it's flawed, my hat's off to ya Chip. And lastly under the palpable tension and sporadic giggling there lie real issues covertly being addressed. Issues ranging from not wanting to do your laundry all the way up to abandonment. And most importantly our biggest issue, fear. Which can manifest in countless forms but ultimately all stem from one source, our fear of death. Getting a little too deep, time to resurface. Might have to start charging you for all these pearls of wisdom I'm crapping out. In summation would I recommend this to everyone, no sir. But if you're a weirdo who likes relatively pleasant things with the occasional dark twist like me then by all means yes. So for that reason it just squeaked by like a city bus with old mattresses for wheels. Wow, really? That's what you're gonna close with? Should See. What did you think? Trailer IMDB
12:33 AM
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In this installment of movies I had no intention of seeing but my life is so boring I did anyway (the marketing guys tell me that name is too long but what do they know) I watched Now You See Me a magician heist film. Now there's three words I never thought I would use in that succession. Quick question did you watch Ocean's Eleven and say to yourself "Damn I would've loved this if they would of used lesser known actors and just made the whole thing about magic."? If so A, you are pretty weird and have very specific interests and B let me be the first to congratulate you because your prayers have been answered in the form of this movie. I feel like I use that say to yourself prayers joke a lot if anyone wants to send me new material I will gladly use it. Mine's staler than a prehistoric potato chip, see! Anywho, I said I didn't want to see this movie and I meant it. Partly because it seemed like a stereotypical heist movie and mostly because of Jesse Eisenberg. They say when you have a problem with someone else that it's really just some hidden issue you have with yourself. Well then I have a really big fucking problem with this guy Roy because for some reason I can't stand Jesse. You'll get no Mr. Eisenberg from me good sir. Classy dis. I think it has to do with what I touched on with Aubrey Plaza. But she's at least pretty so he is just totally screwed in my book. But it doesn't matter what I think because he keeps getting cast. And speaking of cast they were smart in this one because they cast someone who has proven to work well with him, Woody Harrelson. They played off each other brilliantly in Zombieland. And while lightning didn't strike twice in this film it came pretty close a few times. Woody Harrelson is amazing and I would just like to take this time to say thank you to him for all his work especially Kingpin. You wanna see something magical go watch that shit! So speaking of, yeah the magic theme is pretty ridiculous. But honestly it did make me realize halfway through the film how truly similar movies and magic are. There is even the saying "movie magic". Both are fields of entertainment that use showmanship, deception and misdirection in an attempt to thrill an audience while sneaking a little cash out of their pockets or a lot of cash in some cases. And I am thankful I wasn't robbed of my dwindling dollars and limited time on this earth by watching this. But don't expect a big reward either. It's just one of those rides where you get off saying you were glad you waited in line but don't need to get in line again for it. Oh yeah magic metaphors for this one... uh if you watch this you won't feel like you're being sawed in half. Plus you'll wanna see this one before you see Now You Don't. No but seriously they are making a sequel already. In the end I think I would prefer watching The Town and then The Prestige instead of some weird mashup of the two. But this one still has enough, say it with me kids, magic, to dazzle you. Should See. Let me know what you thought. Trailer IMDB
Sunday, December 15, 2013
7:35 AM
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So whilst perusing the internet (I love using words that make me sound like I know shit when in actuality the case is quite the opposite) I came across a page for a movie called Good Vibrations. It came out last year but I don't remember hearing anything about it. Which is usually not a good sign. But I came to find that it was about punk rock and had Dylan Moran in it. So how could I not watch it? Well a heads up to my fellow Dylan Moran fans he is practically not even in this movie. No joke. I think he has about thirty seconds of screentime, tops. Which leads me to believe they were just using his name for publicity which I can't blame 'em is a smart move. The film is based on real people and events. It tells the story of Terri Hooley. A man who did his best to give the youth of Belfast an outlet through aggressive music rather than aggressive behavior. Which was very much the norm for Ireland throughout the height of "The Troubles". And sadly still is at times, with even the real Terri Hooley now in his sixties still being harassed and assaulted as recent as last year. So clearly this conflict is not completely over. If that last part was confusing that brings me to my next point. This movie is good. But is much better if you know some of the history of Ireland and it's infighting of the late twentieth century. And knowing the birth of the punk scene wouldn't hurt either. Although I am not well versed on either I knew enough that it really helped with all the related references. So if you really want to watch this but slept all through social studies as a kid, or are a kid. Then you might want to crack open a history book first. Or at least hit up Wikipedia the drunk uncle of information. All history and facts aside what lies at the core of this movie is a great story. One about struggle, heartbreak, pain and violence But even more so one about perseverance. And most of all the power of music. Its power as a unifying force. Music is the soundtrack to life that wills you on when you feel you can't continue. The candle in the dark to illuminate what's true. The beacon of hope for those in need. Damn I'm getting sappy in my old age. Should See. Have you seen this one? Trailer IMDB
Friday, December 13, 2013
5:09 PM
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So I watched the trailer for Edge of Tomorrow the other day. And I was very underwhelmed. It just didn't look that good to me. And I was engulfed by this strong feeling of deja vu. Then I realized what it was. I had the same feeling I had when I saw previews for Oblivion. Is it just me or are trailers mini movies now? They give away so much you neither need nor want to see the movie anymore. That's how I felt about Oblivion. Plus I am not a big Tom Cruise fan. He kind of weirds me out. Not sure if it's the Scientology thing. Or the weird interviews. Or possibly the elongated chest. Seriously, look at it. He's been taking his shirt off in all his latest movies to show he's still in good shape but truth be told his tits hang lower than my grandma's! Sorry grandma, I love you. So why did I watch it then you ask? Well I flew out to California yesterday to visit family, including my grandma. Hopefully she doesn't read this before I see her or at all for that matter. So going from Florida to California I had some time to kill. And I figured a heavy visual film would be best seeing as since I have crap headphones and planes are loud. And there was nothing else to do at thirty thousand feet. So I decided to give it a chance since Prisoners proved me wrong. But the film was predictable thanks to the trailer. Some plot twists were sprinkled in towards the end. The visuals were cool and well done. Most of it seemed natural and not blatant CGI. They just weren't original enough in this one. Props to Jessica Chastain for taking Zero Dark Thirty and not this. But it isn't a bad movie just a been there done that kind of deal. It's probably just because I'm a whiny jet lagged bitch today that I am being harsh. But who cares what I think. They're the ones making millions and I'm the grandma insulting loser flying coach next to the talkative Southern lady and the smelly guy showering me with Pringles crumbs. True story. But I say if you want Cruise and you want SciFi go Minority Report. Don't See. What do you think about this one? Trailer IMDB
Thursday, December 12, 2013
12:49 AM
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I bet you are wondering why I am reviewing this huh? None of your damn business that's why! Relax, I'm just messing with you. You should've seen your face though, priceless. Well truth be told I quit my job today. I had a massive panic attack that was absolutely terrifying. So I took it as an omen and hightailed it the fuck outta that pitiful paying purgatory. My second alliteration in two days, booyah! But fun with consecutive similar sounds won't pay the bills. I'm as broke as hammer right now and have zero plans to get out of this. So long story short I definitely wanted to watch something with bright colors, cheap laughs and the power to leave me with a glimmer of hope in this grayscale world of perceived wretchedness. Should've looked harder. That was harsh, I am not gonna say I picked the wrong movie in Despicable Me 2 but I know I didn't pick the right one let's put it that way. But what did I expect? It's a kid's movie with a two in the title. And anytime a movie takes place in a mall and isn't called Mallrats or Dawn of the Dead you should run as fast as you can past the food court to the nearest exit. And one thing I don't get. Why is everyone so crazy about these minions? I remember seeing the first one and thinking they were kind of annoying. Then seeing the nonstop promotions for this one and thinking ok these assholes are definitely annoying. But to their credit they did have a few moments of redemption in this film but overall I was still left questioning why they are so adored. And another gripe is voice acting. How do I get on this gravy train? Russel Brand barely had to say anything and I'm sure he got a boatload of money. And Steve Coogen and Ken Jeong had even less, wtf?! Sorry got a little carried away there. Wow green does not look good on me. On the positive side I think my favorite part of the movie was Benjamin Bratt as El Macho. Yes he's as racist as he sounds but still funny without taking it to an offensive level. But then again I wouldn't know seeing as since I'm not Latin American. I guess I'll quit blubbering and wrap this baby up like I should my Christmas presents I now can't afford. Ultimately what hooked you in the first one will hook you in this. Not all the dating romance crap. Not the childish slapstick. Not the overly glossy animation. Not the big names. But the way they honestly convey truly how much Gru, Steve Carell's character loves his adopted daughters. My pillowcase may or may not have tear drops soaked into it as I type this. Don't judge me I'm in a vulnerable state right now. So will this win any Oscars? No, but you knew that coming in now didn't you? For bonus points try and not get your heart melted by Elsie Fisher! I say this sequel lands in the realm of Should See. Trailer IMDB
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
8:20 PM
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I haven't been feeling too chipper lately so I've been trying to think of ways to turn this frown upside down. Finally it hit me! Why not watch a movie about drug and alcohol abuse, child abduction, torture and murder? God why didn't I think of this sooner? Drawn out joke aside I watched Prisoners tonight. A movie I had absolutely no interest in seeing given its subject matter. It is listed as a drama a lot, and I hate dramas. I just figured it was one of those films that made you hate the fact that you are a living human being by showing you all the terrible things that are capable of happening and we are capable of. But it was actually more of a thriller, thank God! It has a great cast. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are the frontrunners. Playing two men taking two drastically different approaches to trying to find Jackman's abducted daughter. It does make you question what you would do if you were in that situation where you're world has come crashing down and time is of the essence to save it. And not only is it a good film throughout, the ending is also spectacular. Which is just as important if not more. Because it is the taste left in the audience's mouth. So I will gladly admit I am that kid. You know the one who didn't want to eat something because of preconceived notions then tries it and really enjoys it. Mmmmm, crow my favorite. Great now I'm hungry. So if you watch a lot of 48 hours or just want to see a really good movie with some twists and a tolerable level of drama look no further my cinema savoring soulmate. Say that ten times fast! Should See. Trailer IMDB
Monday, December 9, 2013
7:56 PM
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So after a brief Christmas shopping hiatus I'm back. Sorry to the one guy in Malaysia that might've missed me. Seriously, most of my traffic comes from Malaysia, it's weird. Love you guys nonetheless. Shout out to Malaysia! Drumroll please, so for my triumphant return I chose, wait for it, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters! Que the crickets. Alright so it's a little anticlimactic. But I saw the first one and semi enjoyed it so I figured why not get my semi enjoyment on once more? Plus I really love Greek mythology for some reason. And this one has just enough to scratch that itch. Logan Lerman is back to save the day as our movie titled hero Percy Jackson son of Greek god Poseidon. And he always sounds out of breath to me. So I guess he was born for the action adventure genre. But as exciting a genre as this is no one's performance really reaches a similar level. Unless you count Nathan Fillion's role/cameo as Hermes. But that's a given because he is always great. The effects are pretty awesome but in our desensitized day and age they definitely won't blow you away by any means. There's a pun in there somewhere I know it. And you would think that with a title like Sea of Monsters there would be a lot of, oh I don't know, Sea Monsters! Maybe there was in the book. Books, remember those things? In semation this film teetered towards Don't See for me. So I would suggest that most viewers look elsewhere for a worthwhile investment of time and money. But if you are a tween with a DVD player who is bored. Or a sad "adult" with a tablet who loves fantasy movies and ranting on the internet about them. Then Zeus has smiled upon thee and blessed you with Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. should See. Trailer IMDB
Saturday, December 7, 2013
10:25 AM
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So I spent the last couple of days trying to decide which film about Nelson Mandela I would watch in his memory. The obvious choice would be the one currently in theaters Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom starring Idris Elba. But after careful consideration I decided on the 1996 documentary Mandela: Son of Africa Father of a Nation. I figured why not get the story straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. I knew little of the man behind the legend so I felt a documentary would be the best choice for me. Also that meant I could lie in bed in my comfy jammies which is always a plus. Real men wear jammies by the way. So I plopped down in said attire ready to watch. Then I saw that the runtime was two hours and was a little perturbed. But I thought to myself shit if this guy can make it through 27 years of imprisonment and hard labor I think I can make it through a two hour movie lying in bed. And I am delighted to say I served my sentence. I learned so much from this film! From his second wife Winnie's major political role while he was locked up to him being circumcised by spear as a teenager. Yeah you read that right, by spear! (Shutters painfully). I also learned that he had militant roots. Which disturbed me at first. But then made him more relatable and endearing to me in the end. In his own words "I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying". There are some graphic violent images that had me gasping so be warned. But if you want a great documentary on an even greater man this is it. And it is very fitting given what has transpired. The last lines of the movie are his thoughts on death and what it means to live a full life. On a personal note I just want to say thank you Madiba for your contribution to this world. For being a master of poise, symbol of hope and a champion of and for freedom. May you rest as you lived, in peace. Love, Roy. Must See. Trailer IMDB
Friday, December 6, 2013
8:53 PM
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Sweet baby Jesus I can't believe I watched this creepy ass movie when I was a kid! Now before you freak out on me, I love this movie. And this review is of the director's cut not the original. This was one of my favorite movies growing up. But it's been a good decade or two since I've seen it. Then the other day I saw a post online that a fan, even bigger than I, had tracked down all the original footage and audio. He then spent two years restoring it to what Jim Henson and Frank Oz had originally intended it to be and posted it on YouTube! That's amazeballs if you ask me. Fearing a case of extreme nostalgia I found it online and hit play. I usually tend to stay away from things I loved as a kid for fear they will no longer capture me as an old fart the way they did as a little booger eater. But c'mon it's The Dark Crystal for gelflin's sake! So I watched it. And wouldn't you know it, it's still pretty damn good. There were a few times where I said to myself that is clearly just a guy in a suit how stupid of a kid was I? But there were also times where I was dumbfounded by how amazing Jim Henson's Creature Shop was and is. This is such a great fantasy film that if I ever have kids they're for sure watching it. If they still even have old dvds by then. We might all be watching a twenty four hour feed of the kardashians on Google contacts by the time I find a chick dumb enough to let me knock her up. But regardless that won't stop me from naming my next pet Fizzgig. A worthy consolation. So if you were dipping your toe into the water with trepidation. Trust me your safe to dive back into this one as an adult. But unless you're a superfan and especially if you haven't seen it (in which case we can't be friends) I recommend you go with the original release. Although awesome, this version is too choppy and the audio is terrible. Giving the film overall a Must See but this version a Don't See. But I will leave the link to this labor of love for my fellow crystallites. No not the drink. Trailer IMDB YouTube
Thursday, December 5, 2013
6:41 PM
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Who here likes talking? Follow-up question, who here likes listening to talking? Well if you answered yes to either it looks like I found your jam. You're welcome. Now if you were to ask me those questions my very quick and short response would be no and no. But for some reason I liked this movie. Oh my god it happened. I got old! Great now what am I supposed to do, grown up stuff? F that noise. No but seriously liking these indies is starting to scare me. Quick somebody get me a copy of Transformers 2! I'm joking, please don't. As you can tell ADD is no joke you guys. Back to biz. Drinking Buddies stars Olivia Wilde and Jake M. Johnson who are work friends at a brewery who moonlight as you guessed it, drinking buddies. And the movie follows the progression of their friendship as the characters go through everyday life and the relationships there in. Sounds exciting huh? It's not, but the film is so believable you follow the characters to the very end like it's an edge of your seat thriller. I think that is in thanks to writer/director Joe Swanberg's decision to have a majority of the dialogue improvised. The actors even drank real beer in the scenes and worked at the brewery where it was shot. Shit if that isn't method I don't know what is. But it was well worth it because the end result is one of authenticity. So if you like character driven, heavy dialogue indies. Or just want an excuse to remaniss about your old drinking days like me. You got a friend in drinking buddies. Sorry couldn't resist. Should See. Trailer IMDB
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