Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new year all you hangover havers. Hopefully by now the puking has subsided. If you are like most people you probably didn't just make a bunch of mixed drinks last night. I'm guessing you also made a resolution or two. And if any of them have anything to do with travel or breaking out of your shell I found the perfect movie for you. I'm speaking of none other than  Ben Stiller's version of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I was super excited to see this movie when I first saw the trailer. I thought to myself "Wow this episode of Scrubs looks a lot more inspirational and a lot less annoying." Then numerous critics bashed it and they not only deflated my excitement balloon they damn near popped it. But I'm glad they did. Because honestly there is nothing better than going into a movie with low expectations and leaving blown away. I loved this film; the humor, the cinematography, the breathtaking scenery. This movie isn't perfect but it will inspire the shit out of you. Especially if you are a introverted dreamer like I am. So a big thank you goes out to my big eared movie directing brother Ben, first for Cable Guy and now this. To the general public or the heartless jaded critics this is a Should See. But for those of us who have a permanent residence in our own heads this film is a Should See. Which category do you fall under? Trailer IMDB


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