Friday, January 17, 2014

Grandpa is fine, it's this movie that is bad!

  I think I am getting old because I don't think I enjoy Jackass stuff anymore. Which is crazy because some of the best times of my life were when I was younger and my friends and I made homage-esque videos.

  Most of our cinematic adventures went like this. I would do or say something dumb as an intro. Then one of my friends would proceed to hit me in the head or crotchal region, take your pick, with a foreign object. Then my other friend who was holding the giant oversized VHS camera would say "Oh shit I didn't get it, do it again." And this would go on for hours and hours until I was too hurt to continue or it was time to start drinking, whichever came first.

  So it's not like I never liked this stuff, I almost died emulating it!

  With that said, there is just something about putting people in staged situations to induce extreme responses that irks me.

   I guess I am now only a fan of the extremes. Either be a documentary and move me with the beauty of real life. Or take me on a completely fabricated journey and dazzle me with the power of great storytelling. This movie is interesting/ambitious/dumb in the fact that it tries to bring a little of both to the table.

  But I'm not just gonna shit all over this one.

  There were a few parts where I was almost in tears from laughing so hard. Oh the sheer comic genius that is a swinging nutsack. Spoiler alert, but not really.

  So this movie is what it is. But I guess I'm not what I was. I guess I'm finally growing up. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go work on my stamp collection and then take a nap. I haven't had one of these in a while so I'm gonna say, Don't See. But I'm old, what do I know. It was nominated for an Oscar (not a joke). What did you young whippersnappers think of Bad Grandpa? Trailer IMDB


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