Sunday, January 12, 2014

A sweet sendoff to a giant of the acting world. No I'm not making a fat joke (even though there are plenty in the movie). To be serious for a moment, I am saddened by his passing. But I find joy in the fact that he went out on a positive note.

  The actor is James Gandolfini and the note is Enough Said.

  I really wanted to see this when it first came out. But I thought that since he had died so recently it would distract me and detract from my overall viewing experience. So I waited.

  And now that the wait is finally over I am happy to report that it is a great little movie! And the way I can tell is it isn't relatable to me in any way and I still loved it. I don't have kids (that I know of), I have never had a massage (fear boner phobia) and I get plenty of dates (but they're all from Whole Foods).

  While I am not well versed in these or other matters of the film personally my friends and family are. And I feel like the film approached them honestly and genuinely which made the film overall really believable.

  The rising action or twist of this one is rather predictable. But the rest is delightful enough (did I just say delightful?, fuck) that it is easily forgivable.

  Julia Louis-Dreyfus is great in this film! And even though I couldn't help but to keep waiting for him to hit somebody over the head with a bat, or gut someone like a fish, Mr. Gandolfini is good too.

  So the three best words to describe this one are honest, modest and pleasant. I know it sounds boring when I put it like that but I think it is a solid Should See. Rest in peace Mr. Gandolfini and thank you for your contribution to this world.

Did you guys see this yet? Get at me if ya did. God that even felt awkward typing that let alone if my white ass said it. Trailer IMDB
Enough Said


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