Friday, January 3, 2014

What up my nerdy brethren? Or should I say suilad mellyn? That's Elvish for "hello friends" but I'm sure you already knew that.

  Now I don't break out the Elvish often. So that can only mean one of two things. Either I'm hitting on some hot ass busty cosplay girl at a covention. Or I'm reviewing the latest Tolkien movie alone in my bedroom. Wah wah waaaaaaaah. FYI that was a sad tuba, not a whiny baby. But I digress.

  The Desolation of Smaug the second installment of The Hobbit is what I am referring to of course.

  I'm not gonna lie I didn't really dig the first one. And this one while better still isn't that great in my opinion. I don't know what it is exactly but I just don't care about the characters in this film as much as I did in LOTR. Not sure if that's a rip on Mr. Jackson or me for being heartless.
  And there was a tangible realness that shrouded the LOTR saga. Whereas with The Hobbit it just feels like the same ol' dime a dozen superficial CGI blockbuster most of the time. Don't get me wrong I loves me some special effects as much as the next guy. But I love special effects with the natural beauty of New Zealand, character driven story telling and epic battle scenes even more.

  Was it all bad? No, of course not. I just think LOTR is that much better that it stopped me from liking The Hobbit films as much as I probably should. I did however enjoy Luke Evans which gave me the slightest glimmer of hope for the crow reboot. And even though they were dumb Peter Jackson and Stephen Colbert's cameos were much deserved and cool to see. And Smaug was pretty awesome but then again what dragon isn't?

  So I say if you want a Must See go find that cosplay chick I mentioned. This one is only a Should See in my book.

  But who cares what I think. What were your thoughts? Do you share my blasphemous notions? Tell me quick because I have to go into hiding soon. I can literally feel the hordes of broadsword wielding Hobbit lovers breathing down the back of my neck. I fear my demise is imminent. Trailer IMDB



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