Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How goes it true believers? Bet you thought I only did obscure oldies. Nope, I love me a good blockbuster too! R.I.P. Blockbuster. Thanks for the memories and the late fees. So last week I dragged myself out of bed to venture forth into the land of the living. I decided that while there I would take my lovely sister to go see Thor: The Dark World or Thor 2 if you're normal. We went to the beautiful 75 year old single screen San Marco Theater. Now obviously I wouldn't recommend you see anything superhero related at anything other than a giant megaplex. But I just love old theaters. All thanks to the Mission Theater in Portland. I love you baby, Daddy will be home soon. Wow this review is going nowhere fast. I guess I should probably talk about the movie huh? Well brace yourself Asguardians because this might come as a shock. I didn't really enjoy it. Record skips! Now admittedly I am not the biggest fan of the god of thunder. I am however a big Marvel fan so I went in wanting to like this one. But after two hours of weak story and terrible jokes, trust me I should know, I was dying for it to end. I really believe it was just a bridge to Guardians Of The Galaxy which comes out next year and phase 3 of the Marvel cinematic universe. With the most obvious example being the after credits scene. Benicio Del Toro as Liberace, sorry I mean The Collector, was hilarious. Even my sister who fell asleep at one point said this "seems very star wars-esque". So Marvel is definitely trying to get the vibe right for Thanos to show his ugly face again in Avengers 3. But not all is lost in this one. There are some great action sequences which you would expect. Tom Hiddleston further cements his show stealing status as the fan favorite Loki. Garnering from my sister an enthusiastic "Who is that guy? I like him." And where Kat Dennings drops the comedic ball Stellan Skarsgard picks it up and runs with it pantless. Also there is another It Crowd cameo this time coming from my boy Roy. Chris O'Dowd to the laymans. So with that said the movie buff in me is tempted to say Don't See. But the fanboy in me flies down and punches him in the face puts his hands on his hips and proclaims Should See. Feel free to rip me a new one in the comments if you're a Thor fan. Trailer IMDB


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