Monday, November 25, 2013

So seeing as since my social life is about as exciting as a man on the moon harvesting energy (my first lame movie related joke, yay!). I've decided to start blogging about the movies I have been and will be watching. All while I wallow in self pity and stuff my face with vegan pumpkin cinnamon rolls. Shoutout to Sweet Theory Bakery. Your service blows but your food blows minds so it's overlookable. Is that a word? Focus Roy, focus! Alright moving on, my first is a movie that came out a few years ago that I myself and a lot of others seemed to have missed, Moon. It stars the ever likable Sam Rockwell as astronaut farmer Sam Bell. I've always wondered what affect having the same name as the character your playing has on an actor. Anybody else think about that or do I just have way too much time on my hands? Anyway long story short it's a solid movie that raises some good questions. Also I think Kevin Spacey given his calm cold sounding voice and aptly given last name was born to play a robot on the moon. Plus I'm a big fan of The IT Crowd so I got a big chuckle out of the Matt Berry cameo even though he did nothing to warrant it. So on my hastily decided rating scale of Must See, Should See and the looming Don't See. I give Moon the sincere reality/ethical questioner disguised as a sci fi a firm Should See. Watch it and tell me what you thought about it. Trailer IMDB


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